Laboratorio de Robótica Department of Digital Systems
Division of Engineering



The ultimate goal of the RoboCup Initiative is stated as follows:
"By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup."
As part of the Robocup competition there are different leagues, each one with different challenges.
Eagle Knights has participated in two Robocup Leagues.

SPL - Standard Platform League

In the actual SPL all teams use identical humanoid robots (NAO's). This allows for the teams to concetrate on the software instead of the hardware.

Its main domains of expertise are:

The Following is material from different Robocup participations:
  • TDP 2008
  • Video 2008
  • TDP 2007
  • Video 2007
  • TDP 2006
  • Video 2006

  • The Following are some Thesis involving SPL development:
    For more information, please refer to: SPL Wiki